Map/California/San Gabriel

San Gabriel personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $51,205

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $21500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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San Gabriel

San Gabriel, CA, founded in 1771, is famed for the historical Mission San Gabriel Arcángel. The city boasts a diverse population of around 40,000, vibrant Asian eateries, and the annual Lunar New Year Festival.

incentives available in San Gabriel for...
energy icon


San Gabriel, California, has made considerable efforts to increase energy efficiency across the city. Local initiatives have focused on encouraging residents and businesses to adopt more sustainable practices. The city has incentivized the installation of solar panels on residential and commercial properties, resulting in a noticeable shift towards renewable energy sources. Energy efficiency programs for home appliances and lighting have also been promoted, with many homeowners taking advantage of rebates for upgrading to Energy Star-certified products. In public spaces, LED streetlights have replaced older, less efficient bulbs, leading to a reduction in municipal energy consumption. The city has partnered with utility companies to provide free energy audits to residents, which have been effective in identifying areas for improvement in energy usage. San Gabriel's climate action plan emphasizes the importance of energy conservation and sets measurable goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, the local government has updated building codes to ensure all new constructions meet high energy efficiency standards. There have been concerted efforts to educate the public on the benefits of reducing energy consumption, including workshops and informational campaigns. Despite these advancements, the city continues to explore innovative technologies and strategies to further reduce its energy footprint.

energy icon


Water efficiency is a critical concern in San Gabriel, especially given the arid climate of Southern California. The city has implemented aggressive water conservation measures in response to historic drought conditions. These measures include tiered water pricing to encourage conservation, strict watering schedules for lawns and gardens, and rebates for water-saving appliances. San Gabriel also offers incentives for the installation of drought-tolerant landscaping, also known as xeriscaping, which has been gaining popularity among residents. The city's water system infrastructure has been undergoing upgrades to reduce leaks and ensure efficient water delivery. Rainwater harvesting systems are promoted as a way to capture and reuse rainwater for irrigation, which also helps to replenish local groundwater supplies. In an effort to preserve water quality, San Gabriel has strict regulations on stormwater runoff, promoting the use of permeable pavements and green spaces to reduce pollution entering the waterways. Water conservation education is a priority in local schools and community programs, aiming to build a culture of water efficiency among citizens. The city collaborates with regional water management authorities to ensure sustainable water use practices are in line with broader efforts to manage the region's limited water resources. San Gabriel's long-term water management strategy includes the exploration of alternative water sources, such as recycled water for non-potable uses.

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Transportation efficiency in San Gabriel is an area that has seen significant investment and improvement, with a focus on reducing traffic congestion and lowering vehicle emissions. The city has expanded public transit options, including bus services and connections to regional rail lines, to provide residents and commuters with reliable, eco-friendly alternatives to personal vehicle use. San Gabriel has developed a comprehensive network of bike lanes and walking paths to encourage active transportation, facilitating safe and convenient non-motorized travel throughout the city. Car-sharing programs and electric vehicle (EV) charging stations have been introduced to support the transition to cleaner transportation modes. The city encourages the use of EVs by providing public charging infrastructure and implementing preferential parking policies. Local businesses have partnered in these efforts by facilitating ride-sharing arrangements and telecommuting options for employees. San Gabriel has also implemented traffic flow optimization measures, such as synchronized traffic lights and improved signage, to reduce idling and improve fuel efficiency. The city's transit-oriented development policies encourage the construction of mixed-use developments near transit hubs, thereby reducing the need for long commutes. Through these combined efforts, San Gabriel aims to create a more sustainable and efficient transportation system that meets the needs of a growing population while minimizing environmental impacts.

energy icon


Waste management in San Gabriel is an area of active improvement and modernization. The city has implemented comprehensive recycling programs, targeting a wide range of materials including plastics, metals, glass, and paper. Organic waste collection services for composting are also available, with an aim to divert a significant portion of waste from landfills. San Gabriel has targeted a zero-waste goal, with strategies in place to reduce, reuse, and recycle the majority of waste produced by residents and businesses. The city provides resources and support for waste reduction at the source, encouraging less disposable consumption and more sustainable purchasing habits. Special hazardous waste collection events ensure proper disposal of items like e-waste, chemicals, and batteries, preventing environmental contamination. The city's waste management department conducts regular waste audits to measure progress and adapt strategies accordingly. San Gabriel also actively promotes waste education in schools and community groups, fostering a culture of environmental responsibility from a young age. Businesses are incentivized to minimize waste through various programs and are increasingly participating in waste reduction initiatives. With the ever-growing focus on sustainability, San Gabriel continues to seek innovative waste solutions, aiming for a more circular economy where materials are kept in use for as long as possible.